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Writer's pictureAndres Ramirez

Health - Detox (Drinks & Foods)

Updated: May 10, 2020

For someone with GERD, I learnt very quickly how important it was to start detoxing the body in order to lose weight. I started to see my body like a machine. I knew that in order for it to work like it was well oiled, it needed all the right ingredients to make it happen. Again, I’m no doctor, but over my journey I’ve studied and learned a lot. I’m just hoping to help someone else.

Juicing fruits and vegetables is essential when it comes to detoxing the body (cleaning and strengthening our gut). If you don’t have one yet, I would highly recommend investing in a juicer. Not having a juicer is no excuse, you can still make it work. Juicing makes getting your daily nutrients much easier! When you juice your fruits and veggies, you are separating the nutrient-dense juice from the pulp so that it’s concentrated and easy to digest. This allows your body to absorb all the vitamins, anti-inflammatory compounds, and antioxidants.

I believe we all know our body best. I am not here to tell you what to do or how to cure your body. But what I do know is that you are what you eat. When I began changing what I put inside me, my exterior also began to shift in a positive way. A healthy, nutritious diet was the best decision I could’ve made for myself.

Changing the way I ate was the only solution to my constant acid reflux and discomfort. In hopes of helping someone else, I have listed some of my go-to juices, drinks, and foods.



Here are my 3 fave recipes:


• 2-3 Medium- Large size Beets

• 6 Carrots

• 2 Medium Apples

• ½ Lemon

• 1-2 ich piece of ginger


• 2 Cups of spinach (or kale)

• 6 Pieces of Celery

• 2 Large Cucumbers

• ½ Lemon

• 2 Medium Apples

• 1-2 Inch Ginger

• ½ Cup of Parsley Leaves

YELLOW: (only recommended for people with little to no acid reflux)

• 3 Palm sizes of ginger

• 6 Lemons

• 3 Tablespoons of maple syrup

Once I have made each juice, what I do is I divide the juice into 3 different glass jars, and add water. I add about enough water to fill a small mason glass jar. (8 Oz of water which is a little less than a cup of water.)

Also please note, these recipes are not grandma’s apple pie recipe, you can tweak add and adjust as needed. (Just don’t add a bunch of sugar)

If you are a person who struggles with the taste, you may add healthy sweets, such as natural honey. (I don’t suggest sweeteners, try to keep it more on the natural/organic side.)


I find creating your own healthy teas are a great way to detox your body as well. You can boil certain ingredients, and then drink the water hot or cold. Believe it or not, some are refreshing when cold.

These are the main ingredients that I boil:

• Ginger (3 cm piece)

• Turmeric (3 cm piece)

• 1 Pineapple (just the peels, also keep in mind pineapples are a bit acidic, if you experience a lot of burping or discomfort, remove ingredient)

• 1 Apple (Peels Only)

• 1 Lemon

• 2 Liters of water

Boil for 5 minutes, let it cool. You may drink through the day, and or keep in your fridge to drink the next couple of days.

Also you may add natural honey to add a bit of sweetness. Personally, I prefer drinking this cold, I find it refreshing.

I would also like to add that smoothies are a good option either water or milk based. For those who suffer from GERD/ ACID reflux water based will likely be the better option.


I have found myself eating more often, but smaller portions and healthier foods. To lose weight you have to find healthy snacks and foods you enjoy. Shedding pounds is a marathon, not a sprint. Often times people who lose weight quickly gain it back quickly as well. This is a trial and error process. It took me many years to find what worked for me and start to consistently lose body fat. Snacking is so important because you train your body to burn more calories throughout the day VS. you eating a ton of food in one sitting.

“Healthier” snacks I enjoy (there are loads out there, but here are the ones I usually eat):

• Peanuts

• Protein bars (once a day, also careful which ones, some have lot of sugar)

• Low fat Yogurt

• Plain Popcorn (No added ingredients such as butter etc.)

• Pita

• Humus (Great source of protein

• Fruits

• A spoon of peanut butter (Sounds weird I know but I find it very filling)

• Slice of whole wheat Bread

• Smoothies

• Salads (Salads are boring to most people but there are ways and ingredients to make it fun and exciting)

- Add Cheeses (Try to limit)

- Chicken (I usually make my own chicken souvlaki)

- Nuts and Mixed seeds

- Many types of dressings (go for the low-fat ones)

- Fruits I would strongly suggest googling different types.


Here some more eating tips I have found worked for me:

- Try to eat your carbs earlier in the day, more time for the body to digest and burn them before you go to bed.

- Same with greasier food. Try to have it for lunch vs for dinner. (Most people sit down and or lie down after dinner.) Also, I don’t mean eat burgers everyday, just try to have your “greasier foods” earlier in the day.

- Try not to lie down after meals (gravity helps your digestion).

- Do not nap right after eating, wait 1-2 hours

- Do not sleep right after eating, wait 3-4 hours

- Many people say DO NOT EAT AFTER 8PM! But in reality, it depends on your sleeping pattern. Just try not to eat and sleep right after.

- Healthy snacks, low carb, low fat foods are best to eat for dinner/ late

- Try to avoid eating beef late. Chicken and fish are a better option.

​List of foods that help those with GERD/ Acid Reflux:

Vegetables - Vegetables are naturally low in fat and sugar, and they help reduce stomach acid. Good options include green beans, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, leafy greens, potatoes, and cucumbers.

Ginger - has natural anti-inflammatory properties, and it’s a natural treatment for heartburn and other gastrointestinal problems. You can add grated or sliced ginger root to recipes or smoothies or drink ginger tea to ease symptoms.

Oatmeal - Oatmeal is a breakfast favorite, a whole grain, and an excellent source of fiber. A high fiber diet has been linked to a lower risk of acid reflux. Other fiber options include whole-grain breads and whole-grain rice.

Non-citrus fruits - Non-citrus fruits, including melons, bananas, apples, and pears, are less likely to trigger reflux symptoms than acidic fruits.

Lean meats and seafood - Lean meats, such as chicken, turkey, fish, and seafood, are low-fat and reduce symptoms of acid reflux. Try them grilled, broiled, baked, or poached.

Egg whites - Egg whites are a good option. Stay away from egg yolks, though, which are high in fat and may trigger reflux symptoms.

Healthy fats - Avocados, walnuts, flaxseed, olive oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil. Reduce your intake of saturated fats and trans fats and replace them with these healthier unsaturated fats.

Fennel - It has a mild licorice flavor and it’s low in acid. This can help soothe an upset stomach, which can be both a cause and a symptom of GERD. You can roast it and serve it as a main course, sauté it as a side dish, or slice it raw and add it to a salad.

Foods That May Cause Heartburn - Foods that are common heartburn triggers cause the esophageal sphincter to relax. This delays digestion, letting food sit in the stomach longer

The worst culprits? Foods that are high in fat, salt or spices such as:

• Fried food

• Fast food

• Pizza

• Potato chips and other processed snacks

• Chili powder and pepper (white, black, cayenne)

• Fatty meats such as bacon and sausage

• Cheese

Other foods that can cause this problem include:

• Tomato-based sauces

• Citrus fruits

• Chocolate

• Peppermint

• Carbonated beverages

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