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The Journey - The Road To Becoming A Realtor

Writer's picture: Andres RamirezAndres Ramirez

Updated: May 10, 2020

Real Estate was not my first career choice. 18 year old Andres planned to be a firefighter. I attended Seneca College, and like most situations, I was the youngest and most eager of the group. My age often made people second guess my abilities, but I always worked my hardest and outperformed.

Back track to 16 year old Andres. After spending hours waiting for the Dufferin Bus & having to tell my friends I’d be an hour late, I knew it was time to get myself a car. After moving to Vaughan in 2005, I got a job working in landscaping. I remember working really, really hard. I would work nearly 50 hours a week, doing very labour intensive work. It was in my blood to be a hard worker, I always showed up willing to give my 120% and to make our clients happy- oh and of course, because i was trying to buy myself a car!! I was determined. So that was summer of 05- tons of work and bought my 1998 Pontiac Sunfire at $2000 cash.

Now I was 16 and had a car so of course my insurance was going to cost me an arm + a leg. (It cost me $400 a month so basically arm & a leg). I knew I needed this car and needed the money in order to make it work. I had to step up and make the money. I decided to apply for two jobs to make ends meet- both jobs at the same corner (strategic!) of Dufferin and Steeles !! The restaurant- that no longer exists- was in the North East corner, and the grocery store was at the South West corner. Every weekend, I worked 10am-5pm at the restaurant and 5pm-10pm at the grocery store. So if you ever saw a kid running from one side of the parking lot to the other, while changing uniforms, that was me!!

I lived in a diverse neighborhood made up of many different cultures and ethnicities- the beauty of living in Toronto. We had neighbours who were Philippine, Arabic, Caribbean, Latinos, and on the other side of the street, we had Israeli and Russian families as well. Growing up, we would play sports and hang out with kids from different cultures and communities. It’s also how I met my friend Jordan.

By the age of 20, without intention, I was a networking machine. Between my childhood neighborhood, my new community, my schools and everything in between, I was very well connected. I had many friends from the Bayview and Sheppard area, which is where I went to Elementary. I had many Hispanic friends in the West end of Toronto, which is where many Hispanics live. I also had my new network of friends in the north, at Thornhill/ Vaughan. It only made sense for me to bring these friends together.

What started as some parties here and there, grew into something much larger. Jordan, my childhood friend, and I decided to throw a party. Not your average house party. We booked out a club that hosted events for 300-700 people. The best part of it all- this is before social media. Imagine inviting 300-700 people all through word of mouth, bbm, texting, and calling!! Serious outreach going on. I knew my efforts were being recognized, when someone in the business asked my friend “who’s the kid throwing the uptown parties?” This is how I met Carlos- a well respected promoter in Toronto nightlife. He then hired me as a promoter for Tryst nightclub.

Jordan and I continued to throw some really awesome events. A couple months later, he recommended we get our real estate license. One thing I really appreciate about Jordan is that he is always looking for the next step in self development. We both wanted to be our best versions, and wanted to give back, and so we signed up!

So who hires a 23 year old to sell their house? Would they trust me? Do I trust me? The limiting self beliefs came up. I pushed through it all. I remember how passionate and driven I was to sell my first house- its the same passion and drive I have till this day. I was willing to do the work to make it. I spent the first 4 years of my career in real estate, working side jobs to make ends meet. I also picked up extra hours working for Uber to invest into growing my business. Some days, I would wake up, build a basement for 8-10 hours, go home shower before presenting myself to a client, then back to Uber for another 2-3 hours.

One thing is for sure, I was a hard worker and I wouldn’t let excuses get in my way of my dreams. So I worked, worked, and worked. Here I am today. A steady network of clients that continues to grow daily.

Ill never forget, my good friend Natasha who I met working in the club industry, who hired me to sell her condo. It continues to be my daily reminder that hard work really does pay off!

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